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IxDF Rochester Minnesota

The IxDF Rochester Minnesota group is a new group and we hope to regularly meet and share ideas, discuss and learn from each other. Do you need a mentor or can mentor someone? Do you have a problem at work you are trying to solve? Then let's try to solve your problem together! Do you want to present on any topics that we all can learn something from? We can get together in our meetups followed by a group discussion, informal networking, coffee and a drink.

The IxDF Rochester Minnesota group is a new group and we hope to regularly meet and share ideas, discuss and learn from each other. Do you need a mentor or can mentor someone? Do you have a problem at work you are trying to solve? Then let's try to solve your problem together! Do you want to present on any topics that we all can learn something from? We can get together in our meetups followed by a group discussion, informal networking, coffee and a drink.

Join IxDF Rochester Minnesota
Rochester Minnesota, United States
#62 group in United States

Previous Local Group Meet-Ups

  • Interaction Design Meet and Greet (Rochester, MN)
    Nov 28, 2015 10:00am–11:30am
    Free meet-up by IxDF Rochester Minnesota 1+ people going